Recently, when we've gone shopping, Caedmon has spotted a cute little bee pillow in a number of stores and always asks to see and play with it. I decided to pick one up for his birthday, and had no idea what this addition to his toy stash would do! He immediately started treating Bee like a friend - pointing his little face at things and saying "See that, Bee?" and even putting toys and books in front of him to "show" him.
This apparently started something, as he became more and more attached to other stuffed animals that we've had for a long time. One morning I was cleaning up breakfast dishes while Caedmon played in the living room - when I finished, I realized that he had gotten Bee, Peter Rabbit, Little Peter Rabbit, and of course Doug, and was sitting in the chair "reading" his "Peter Rabbit" book to them, telling them about Mr. McGregor. So cute!
Since then, anything soft and fluffy and not tied down in his room has found a place in Caedmon's bed at night, until there's hardly room for him. His "posse," as we lovingly call it, now includes Doug, Bee, Big Peter Rabbit, Little Peter Rabbit, Jingly Frog, Jesus Loves Me Lamb, Pillow Dog, Bear Dog, Easter Duck, Hooey well as four blankets/quilts (in addition to his bedspread), four small pillows, and the pillow that he actually sleeps on.
It's amazing how Caedmon keeps tabs of these little friends, and often remembers who is missing. I've taken advantage of his sharp little mind and often tell him what I need when we go to the store - not only does it give him satisfaction and entertainment to know what we're looking for, it helps me because he usually is able to remember better than I am!
We went to Hamilton to celebrate Christmas the week after this year, and our boys had some fun adventures. Caedmon got to meet a new farm animal - Dixie Lou, his great-uncle's donkey. She was very gentle and so he was able to feed her out of his hand.
We have loved doing anything that will make Isaac give us his huge, jolly smile. Recently, though, he's stopped opening his mouth wide every time, and smiles just as big, but with his little gums clamped tightly together. It's so different from what we're accustomed to, but so darling! It's often accompanied by a little chuckling sound in his throat. How precious is each and every stage and development! God created, and continues to create, and we are blessed to watch it all.