Sunday, February 21, 2010

Increased mobility...

Caedmon is officially a "walker" now, and keeping us on our toes too! Most of his locomotion is upright these days, and as his steadiness and confidence increase, his horizons also expand with interesting things to explore with a fresh perspective. I'm still not used to hearing the little "tap, tap" of his feet on the floor, and it's surprising to see him toting around toys and helping himself to objects that are no longer out of his reach.

The increased strength and coordination that accompanied walking has added an additional skill to Caedmon's repertoire...climbing. Steps and stairs provide much entertainment, but he has also boosted himself into boxes, on top of toys, into the rocking chair in his room, and most frequently, up into his stroller (hint, hint, Mommy!)

Not only can he wiggle up into the seat of his stroller, even with the drink-holder tray down, but I have discovered him standing up in the seat, leaned over the back, and trying to go higher.

There is no task too large - our industrious little guy recently helped unpack and assemble his new toy box. He worked so hard at getting the box open! We're quickly realizing that he has a very determined little character, and isn't easily sidetracked once he has a project in mind.

We recently had a beautiful couple of days of snow, which transformed our yard and neighborhood into a whole new world. As much as he loves being outside, I didn't know how he would react. I carried him out a little bit, and when I put him down, he was fascinated by poking the snow with his finger. He even tried walking around in our yard, which took quite a lot of effort for a new walker in snow halfway to his knees, but he did great!

Along with his increased mobility, Caedmon has also been expanding his communications skills. We hear "up, up" and "more" the most frequently (sometimes combined into "more up!") along with the sign for "more." He consistently signs "bath," "sleep," "eat," "please," and "finished," and is working on "shoe" and "banana." We've had a lot of fun lately making sounds - he has lion and tiger puppets, and any time he sees them around the house (or any other lion or tiger) he'll say "raaaaar!" He will make sounds for those two, along with cows, dogs, sheep, snakes, and any motorized vehicle...even asking to go in the car by his noise for that, a rolling "b" sound.