Amid all the fun, it's a challenging time of growth and increased independence which requires much shepherding and guidance, and we're praying daily - hourly? - for wisdom and grace, yet also are constantly reminded of God's grace with us and the great love He shows in allowing us the privilege of having a front-row seat to the lives unfolding before us. I, especially, am humbled by the opportunity to be home and the constant caregiver for these boys, and too see all the little bits of their personalities, the light in their eyes and the twinkles of mischief, to hear their giggles and sprouting conversations, and to feel their sweet little hands in mine, their hugs and snuggles in my lap. I frequently think of Mary, who with all the miraculous events surrounding Jesus' birth, "treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Now I have a better understanding of what that means! It is such a precious time, every life a miracle in itself, and as much as we look forward to who these boys will become, we cherish all these little moments and events that God has graciously allowed us to share!
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Leaf Jumping Extravaganza
Amid all the fun, it's a challenging time of growth and increased independence which requires much shepherding and guidance, and we're praying daily - hourly? - for wisdom and grace, yet also are constantly reminded of God's grace with us and the great love He shows in allowing us the privilege of having a front-row seat to the lives unfolding before us. I, especially, am humbled by the opportunity to be home and the constant caregiver for these boys, and too see all the little bits of their personalities, the light in their eyes and the twinkles of mischief, to hear their giggles and sprouting conversations, and to feel their sweet little hands in mine, their hugs and snuggles in my lap. I frequently think of Mary, who with all the miraculous events surrounding Jesus' birth, "treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart." Now I have a better understanding of what that means! It is such a precious time, every life a miracle in itself, and as much as we look forward to who these boys will become, we cherish all these little moments and events that God has graciously allowed us to share!
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Caedmon is THREE!
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Two Peas in a Pod
A couple of weeks ago the boys had a wonderful afternoon of play in the backyard. Caedmon disassembled is tee-ball tee and was using the post as a bat, tossing the ball with one hand then swinging with the other.
I just love watching these two guys playing together!
Again, Caedmon takes the lead and steps up to the plate after re-assembling his tee. Isaac was right there in the action - but thankfully not too close - his brother has quite a wind-up.
Another example of "stretching our wings..." Caedmon has figured out how to get up onto the rock columns in the backyard. Once up, how does a little boy get back down? Only one way. He braced himself and counted to three, then counted to three again, and again, probably eight or ten times, then finally leaped off the column. He landed, realized he was all in one piece, and immediately did it again - with much less counting.
Caedmon has become quite the little vocabulary coach for Isaac, as well. He's picked up on our questions to Isaac and now I frequently hear, "Hey Isaac, can you say 'drink?' Say, 'drink.' Can you say, 'digger?' Can you say, 'excagator?' Can you say, 'fiwer truck?'" (Caedmon still has some interesting pronunciations - "fiwer" for "fire" and "craown" for "crayon," to name a few, which makes it that much more delightful for us to hear his instructions.)
Isaac is making tremendous strides in his communication. Who wouldn't, with such an earnest teacher? I've been impressed lately with his mini-sentences. One morning when Daniel took Caedmon to school, he looked at me and said, "A-mon? Dada. A-mon? Dada." My translation: "Where is Caedmon? He went with Dada." Or he'll say "Dada...wuk." (Dada went to work.)
He has also learned somewhat how to tell me what happens when my back is turned. I left the boys playing with blocks yesterday and Isaac cried out as I was walking away. As I turned I saw a block launched in his direction as he followed me, holding his head, crying, and saying, "bump!" I asked Caedmon why Isaac was crying. Up until very recently Caedmon has been very honest, even if that meant he would be in trouble. He's figured that out, though, so although I could see in his eyes that he was guilty, he made up something about Isaac falling down. I asked Isaac where he got bumped and he rubbed his head, saying "head!" I asked him what bumped his head, and he showed me the blocks and said "boks!" then pointed to Caedmon, "A-mon!" Seems pretty clear to me!
It's so neat to see how those little minds work, though! My car battery died this week, and after dropping Caedmon off at school Daniel had to come back home and help me. I ended up taking him back to work and picking up Caedmon in his car. When I explained to him that my car was at home and we were in Dada's car, he thought about it for just a minute then asked, "Did Dada walk to work?" Then I asked him what we should do to fix my car and he said, "Take it to the car shop." And I reminded him that the car battery was dead and it wouldn't go, so how could we take it to the shop? His solution: "Put it on a trailer of a big rig!" He was probably disappointed that didn't actually happen!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
A beautiful zoo day and more
While strolling, mowing, tricycling, or pulling wagons up and down the sidewalk, we've noticed that the pecans have begun falling. I cracked one for Caedmon and now have plenty of occupation for my hands while we're outside, as he can eat them much faster than I can shell them. Isaac wants to eat them too but is at a distinct disadvantage, having no molars, so he normally works on the little bits I give him for several minutes before giving up and spitting them back out.
Caedmon has tried to shell his own pecans and enthusiastically stomps them, but has yet to break through the tough outer layer. He isn't shy about asking me to help, though!
We had a great trip to the zoo this week, too. The guys were excited to go and loved checking out the animals and running ahead of me, when the tired of the stroller. Freedom!
A few recent quotes from Caedmon that have made us laugh:
Neither of us can remember the circumstances, but he very seriously, yet innocently told Daniel, "Dada, shut your mouth." He wasn't being disrespectful, but that's probably the only time he'll get away with saying something like that!
While he examined my wedding ring, I explained to him that I have one and Daniel has one, and we have them because we're married and want to spend our whole lives together. He looked at me with furrowed brows and said, "Oh. Does it hurt?"
And he's working so hard on being polite that he often reciprocates our encouragement. Today, after a big-boy adventure of exercising with his Dad, I told him, "I'm so proud of you!" He said, "Oh, I'm proud of you too!" And I don't remember the reason, but I did something and to encourage his "Thank you," I gave him a hearty, "Oh, you're welcome!" To which he said, with equal enthusiasm, "Oh, you're welcome too!"
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Bob the Builder and Huckleberry Finn
We had a hard time getting those two guys together for a picture - it's a difficult undertaking under normal circumstances but when they're wearing funny clothes and going outside with buckets instead of eating their supper, while strange-looking people and other creatures are walking down our sidewalk, it's even more challenging!
At first, Bob the Builder was much more interested in the fishin' pole than little Huck. When we went to the last (of five) houses right around us that were handing out candy, he did finally pick up his pole, and started hitting the ground with it until the fish flew off. I think he prefers it as just a stick - he knows exactly what to do with those.
Then we got home and fed the boys some soup, with the piece of candy that they each selected waiting for them in the middle of the table. Isaac doesn't really know about what's inside all those colorful wrappers, but after giving him a section of a Kit-Kat bar, we watched him taste it very carefully and seriously, then stick the whole piece in his mouth and look up with big, wide eyes, asking for more!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
A few tidbits...
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
The park, and other tidbits
We spent the better part of a morning at this playground, and they boys had so much fun swinging, sliding, and climbing on equipment that they thought was an exciting adventure - it made my heart race, too, but more out of fear for how high up they were!
Isaac really did enjoy the swings and had lots of big smiles to share, but I absolutely couldn't get a picture of him with his eyes open!
There were several different slides, and every time the guys went down, their hair would be full of static and stand on end. I gave Caedmon a pretty good shock, too, when I reached out to help him down - he was not impressed!
We also made a trip to the zoo one morning a couple of weeks ago. The boys were so enthusiastic about going...but when I asked Caedmon what he wanted to do or see, he said, "The ramp!" (The zoo is built on a hilly area and there are ramps everywhere to make the exhibits wheelchair accessible.) He loves to run up and down the ramps - I think he feels like he's going super-fast when he runs down. And of course, we love seeing all the animals too - I just thought it was funny that "the ramps" were the first thing that came to his mind! And do these guys look like tourists or what?!?
We're in a really fun season for listening to what our guys have to say. Isaac is really picking up a lot of words. In his vocabulary currently: Mama, Dada, A-mon (Caedmon), Pa Pa (Papa), Mammy (Grammy), Na (cat, or snack, depending on how loudly he says it!), Noooooo (must be said with a very sad face and very drawn out. He learned that from his brother), da (that), apple, buh (book), hi, bye-bye, nigh-nigh (night-night), dih (digger. Yep, we have another digger-spotter!), yeah, more, babeeee (baby), moo (moon), babuhl (bubble), bah (ball), aye-duh (all done), noh (nose - his is usually wrinkled when he says this!), maow (mouth), aye (eye), bur (bird), and "I do!" This is in addition to animal sounds: cow, sheep, cat, dog, pig, bird, lion, bear, dinosaur, and even rooster. My favorite is his dog sound, which he practices anytime we see a dog, especially when we're outside or on walks. I don't know if the dogs can translate, but they get an earful of barks and panting sounds!
Why does he say, "I do"? Daniel started asking the guys questions with "I do/did" being the appropriate response. Such as, "Who likes cookies? Who wants to go outside? Who saw the cat today?" Then he raises his hand and says, "I do!" It's amazing what that little 15 month old brain understands and, if I ask such a question, Isaac immediately pipes up, "I do!" and raises his little hand, even if no one else does!
And Caedmon - oh, that child has such fascinating and often amusing things to share! I was explaining to him this week that at the end of this month, the kids in his school will dress up in costumes and pretend to be other people/animals. I don't care for Halloween at all but think its fun for little kids to get to pretend - so was curious who or what he would like to pretend to be. I gave some suggestions, like a doctor, or a lion, or Bob the Builder. He immediately piped up: "I want to be like Bob the Builder! And Isaac can be Wendy!" How kind of him to include his brother! (Wendy is Bob's assistant.) Our next conversation was about Wendy being a girl...
We were riding in the car one afternoon and I heard Caedmon tell Doug, "When you were really little, you were in my tummy!" We have told the boys on occasion that when they were tiny and growing, they were in my tummy, but he took a leap and applied that same idea to his little duck companion.
Although he's very close to actually running rather than just walking, our Isaac is definitely a toddler and takes some spills from time to time. On one occasion last week he hit his mouth and it started to bleed. I explained to Caedmon what happened as he took it all in and later told me, very seriously, but with his cute little lisp, "Isaac had blub on his teefe. I don't have blub on my teefe!"
And new words are just tricky sometimes. We recently received a Bambi storybook and Caedmon was checking out the picture on the cover. He later asked me to read the story about the deer and the "skump." He was close - "skunk" really is kind of a strange sounding word!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Off to School!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I remember Caedmon going through a phase of looking between his legs, and we're evidently there with our little guy now too. He thinks it's so interesting to check out the world from a different perspective!
Caedmon, as always, is paying close attention to details, and occasionally surprising me with what he discovers. While playing in the front yard one morning (yes, in their pajamas - we saw the cat out the window and there wasn't time to get dressed, he might leave before we got back outside!) he discovered a little june bug and picked it up to show me. He seemed to be pretty interested in the little guy, and I was impressed that he touched it, even though it was dead. Since then he's found another little beetle in the backyard and brought it to me, ready to identify his discovery.
We're rejoicing in the break from the intense heat! The guys are having a wonderful time playing outside, going for walks around the block, and just running around and being boys!
Of course, it's natural for boys to be daring and enjoy physical challenges - climbing, jumping, somersaulting, and the like. This trait is certainly not lost on our Isaac! Rather than riding his little car the other day, he was perched on top of the seat, holding on, and looking like he could almost feel the wind blowing in his hair!
Although his sweet locks weren't as curly as Caedmon's were at this age, Isaac still had some pretty adorable curls! Recently, though, they've seemed to be tickling his ears, getting tangled and hard to comb, and catching a good bit of food when he would put his sticky fingers on his we decided it was time for a haircut. It took a couple of weeks for us to actually find an opportunity, and the willpower, to get out the scissors, but when we did we were a little stunned at what a big, grown-up looking boy we had on our hands!
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
What to do when it's triple digits outside?
To make sure we get some good "outside time" in before it gets so hot, we've been playing in the front yard during the mornings. I'll set up the sprinkler and the boys have a ball! Sometimes they just stand in it and let it spray them; sometimes they get bowls or cups to fill and haul around the yard, or just select rocks or other objects to "wash"...
...sometimes Caedmon will pause for a quick drink...mmm, so refreshing!
And of course, sometimes they pick up the sprinkler and carry it off, usually surprising themselves when they get sprayed by it as they pick it up!
Playing in the sprinkler is fun for us all but I know Caedmon still misses the hour or more that he's not been spending in the sandbox every afternoon. I didn't realize how much, though, until yesterday. I'd been working in the kitchen to get a meal ready to take to some friends who just had a baby and he'd been inside with me the whole time. Realizing his need to burn some energy before we got in the car to deliver the meal, I sent him in the backyard and encouraged him to play with his trikes, or balls and tee, or just run and play for a few minutes. He asked me to uncover the sandbox, but I didn't want him to get all sandy, and we really didn't have a lot of time before we needed to leave anyway, so I shared that with him and got him started on playing with his tee-ball things. Isaac stayed out too, and I peeked out the back door every minute or so just to make sure all was well, and they seemed to be playing nicely. Then Isaac came and banged on the back door (sounding the alarm, perhaps?) and when I went to get him Caedmon had vanished. I scooped up Isaac and started calling for his brother, and after a few tries heard just a small sound in response. I started for the direction of the sound, seeing neither its source nor a good place that Caedmon could be hiding. Then I spotted his bright orange shirt...under the sandbox cover. He had crawled under and was playing with his diggers, all smushed down in the sand. Despite his obviously uncomfortable posture, he was determined to stay!
We've known for a long time that Caedmon is picking up so many new words from our conversations, but it can be so funny and surprising to hear him incorporate them into his dialogue with us and Isaac. One of his new additions has been recently been used as he offers Isaac a pretend drink with a toy cup: "It's okay, Isaac, it's bee-caf." (Decaf.) I can only think of a handful of occasions that he would have heard that word, so I'm impressed that he's using it so appropriately!
We were thankful to get to go to see Grammy and Papa this past weekend to celebrate Papa's 60th birthday with them! Hopefully there will be pictures to come...but we all had so much fun, and were all especially impressed with our little farm boy, Isaac. He fed the cows cubes right out of his hand with very little hesitation and had a lot of fun feeding, then chasing and petting, Grammy and Papa's chickens. He calls them "Mammy" and "Papa" very consistently, and I think he's trying to say "Caedmon" now too, as well as "outside" and "book."
Whatever we're doing and wherever we go, there is one thing that is constant with our boys - they want to be in motion. They are busy, busy guys and love doing, running, jumping, chasing, exploring, testing their limits, and learning new things...all wholeheartedly. Every situation presents opportunities for them to expand their horizons and they have such a fresh perspective on things that I would otherwise consider to be mundane. I am blessed to be able to watch the light in their eyes as they enthusiastically learn and grow!