Saturday, September 19, 2009
Happy 9 Months!
Today is Caedmon's 9-month birthday. It's been such a joy and privilege to watch him growing, learning, and changing! Our baby is turning into a little boy. Although he likes to be close to Mommy and Daddy right now, we also see little steps (not literally, yet!) toward independence. His increased mobility, both through his walker and now by crawling, have given him opportunities to do some exploring on his own. Several times in the last week he has crawled out of the room on his own, leaving me behind to ponder his increasing confidence and sense of adventure. He's quite the expert at feeding himself, as well, and can even manipulate tricky foods like bananas, peas, egg yolk, and his new favorite, puffed rice. That's not to say mealtime isn't messy, though!
One evening we were feeding him peaches and cereal, which had turned out thicker than usual. Caedmon was not really interested in eating from the spoon, but made repeated attempts to grab the bowl, which we finally just gave him. He enthusiastically dove in, scooping up the cereal with his fingers and taking it to his mouth. It was quite a mess, but was another learning experience for him!
After the cereal was gone, his sticky little fingers had a new target - the camera!
He also knows that the sound of the garage door means his favorite playmate is home - Daddy! Several times in the last week we've been playing on the floor when Daniel came home from work. Caedmon will stop whatever he's doing, throw his toy aside, flop onto his tummy, and head for the back door in high gear. He gets so excited! It's really a joy to watch him make those connections and begin to understand how things work. We thank the Lord daily for blessing our lives so richly with this precious child.