Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Mother's Day, a jumperoo, and other fun things

How could Mother's Day be anything but precious with my sweet little family! I'm so thankful for Daniel and Caedmon. I'm beyond blessed to have my husband and son, and can't imagine wanting to do anything other than what I am right now!

My first Mother's Day was so sweet. Not only was I treated to a nap, dinner, and flowers, but Daniel and Caedmon also made me a card - our baby boy's first art project! He presented it to me complete with little chew marks and a drool spot. (Daniel let Caedmon choose the color markers - red was his first choice!)

This weekend we worked out in the yard, the weather was beautiful! Caedmon thought it was a great time, sitting in his bouncy seat observing as Daniel and I trimmed and raked.

Since he's supporting his head and neck so well, we also got a jumperoo for our little boy. This photo was taken it right after I assembled it (pre-8:00am on Saturday...we don't yet know about sleeping in!) and Caedmon was already ready for his first nap of the day, so he wasn't terribly enthused. Since then, though, he's thoroughly explored all the toys and bounces a little bit from one foot to the other. He doesn't like to stay in it for more than a few minutes at a time just yet; I think as he's able to hold himself up more easily he'll enjoy it more.