Tuesday, February 15, 2011
The great outdoors - at last!
We've been so thankful to have an opportunity to get out of the house the last few gorgeous days. The boys and I had a fun afternoon outside today and I was able to snap a few photos of them playing.
I really like this photo of Isaac - the look on his face (oh, and the piece of leaf stuck to his chin!) seem to be saying, "Mom, why on earth would you ask if I tried to put something in my mouth?"
Caedmon has been full of funny little tidbits of conversation this week. Yesterday we were out in the front yard, and he looked up at the neighbor's garbage can across the street. His observation? "There's a trash can. That's so sweet." Later, he was plucking dried flowers and stems off of our mum plants and said, "Here's a cute little flower." Our child definitely has an optimistic outlook!
We have also spent a good bit of time watching for our cat (Andrely, as Caedmon calls him) to come home. We put food in his bowl yesterday, then I asked Caedmon if he knew where Andreley was. He walked to the edge of the front walk to where it meets the driveway, looked back and forth down the step, and said, "Is Andreley on the step? Noooo." Then he walked to the edge of the lawn and stepped off the sidewalk, looking around his feet. "Is he in the grass? Noooo." He turned and walked back to the planter box, and delicately lifted up some small stems and leaves on our asparagus fern. "Is he in the plants? Nooo." He walked towards the faucet. "Is he in the water hose? Noooo." Back to the grass...same question, same answer. Back to the planter box, carefully parting out little dwarf nandinas. "Is he in the shrubs? Nooo." He's definitely more thorough in his search than I would think to be!
Even in the great outdoors, Isaac is a little adventurer, especially when Caedmon leads the way. He does not hesitate to venture out on his own when Caedmon is playing in one place, but if it looks like his big brother may be headed somewhere interesting, Isaac will be right on his heels.