Thursday, March 12, 2009

Free Time

Who doesn't have enough free time?  I used to think I didn't until our "sweet morsel of human life" as Caedmon's great-grandma calls him dropped into our lives.  It's amazing how things that seemed important like eating dinner while it's still hot, or looking for just the right window curtains, or sending in the car registration on time (ok, bad example) make way for something more important.

We all have pursuits or tasks that, when framed by a better alternative, now appear worthless.  That's your challenge.  Is there anything that should be as important to me as our "sweet morsel of human life"?  Maybe getting into the scriptures more often than once a month, that's my challenge.

Time to do some reading now that little one is sleeping.  I'll leave you with the sweet sounds of Caedmon at about two months.